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Corona-Warn-App for PC and MAC

Is a Health And Fitness game developed by Robert Koch-Institut located at Robert Koch-Institut Nordufer 20 13353 Berlin. The game is suitable for USK: All ages and required Android version is 6.0 and up.
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as the national health that is public publishes the Corona-Warn-App on behalf of the German Federal Government for Germany. The app serves as a complement that is digital distancing, hygiene and wearing masks. It uses technology that is bluetooth the Apple/Google Exposure Notification APIs. The app is designed to help break infection chains by informing you if you were recently close to someone who subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. However, at no time does it collect any information that is personal. Who you are and where you are remain secret - and your privacy is well-protected.


Whenever you leave the house, activate the exposure logging feature - it is the heart of the App. When enabled, smartphones exchange encrypted IDs that are random other devices using Bluetooth.

The IDs that are random provide information about the duration and distance of an encounter. No one is able to identify the person behind these IDs. The Corona-Warn-App does not collect any information about the location of the encounter or that of its users.

Based The random IDs your device collects are stored in an exposure log for 14 days and then deleted on maximum coronavirus incubation times. Then be notified anonymously if a person is diagnosed with COVID-19 and chooses to share his/her own device’s random IDs, all persons previously encountered will.

No one shall know when, where or with whom the exposure event took place. The person that is infected anonymous.

In addition to the exposure notifications, affected users will receive recommendations that are clear action. Important: Information about the persons that are notified not accessible at any time.


The Corona-Warn-App is designed to be your companion that is daily knowing your identity. Data protection is 100%-guaranteed throughout the app’s service that is entire and for all functions.

• No registration: No email address and no true name need to be submitted.
• No conclusions about identities: When another person is met by you using the app, your smartphones only exchange random IDs.
• Decentralized storage: Data is stored only on the smartphone itself and deleted after 14 days.
• No access that is third-party Neither the person reporting a proven COVID-19 infection, nor those who have been notified can be traced – not by the Federal Government, the Robert Koch Institute, any other user, nor by Google.

This app is not intended for any use outside of Germany. Corona-Warn-App is the main COVID-19 app for Germany, where it is interconnected with the health care system that is national. Despite of the above, Corona-Warn-App is also available in this country. It is provided for anyone living, working, vacationing, or Germany that is visiting regularly for an extended period of time.

How to run this game on PC or MAC

You can run all Android games and applications on your PC or MAC computer. Using a free software called Bluestacks, you don't need to purchase anything but games or applications it self if it isn't free.

  1. Download BlueStacks, a free Android emulator.
  2. Install BlueStacks from installation file.
  3. Now run BlueStacks and use the search tool of BlueStacks to find the Corona-Warn-App.
  4. As you find the game then hit the installation button and install it by following on screen instructions.
I hope the guide to download Corona-Warn-App for Windows PC works for you. Don't forget to share this guide with your friends over social media sites like Twitter or Facebook.
User Reviews
I and my wife use the app for months always with bluetooth and location on. She got a positive test recently, she inserted it in the app. 2 days after, my app still says I had no exposure, which is impossible, because we have been almost always together. I do not know who is there to blame, but something is not working as I would expect. I believe it makes sense to let the exposured people know about it as soon as the backend knows. Or didn't the backend identified the contact? It seems useless.
Stupid app. I did a test and got QR code. However for days, the app is stuck in "test results not yet available" although I already ce my result from my doctor. I keep doing ping pong calls between my doctor and RKI and they keep throwing reasons like Datenschutz why my results cannot be shown in the APP. Come on guys, what is this BS?
I also have android 7 and it no longer works. How long will it take to fix? Why not roll it back to the previous version that worked fine?
Unfortunatly I have to reduce my rating temporarily because the app has been stuck at "Datenabruf" for months now (cwa-app-android issue #1084 on github). In my opinion this is a profound bug (I am aware of the mentioned workaround but it is not intuitive for most people including me) and it was announced that it would be fixed with release 1.6.0 - and it was not.
Could have added more gamification, showing the number of contacts and maybe asking you to reduce contact with other people.
A very good idea that is very poorly executed. It has been 5 days since I found out about my negative test results from a phone call. The app still says that my test results aren't ready. No wonder the infections of Covid-19 are on the rise when the ones responsible for informing people about the results aren't taking this seriously. Imagine how many people went out of quarantine whilst waiting for the in app results that were positive and infected other people.
The app is really helpful, if you have come in contact with people or been in touch with people who could have been diagnosed with corona. This year I felt safe because I had this app on my phone.
Kriege leider den folgenden Fehler auf meinem Xiaomi Phone:Cause 3. Unable to validate key file signature: no public key found for package de.rki.coronawarnapp
Hmm... Also ein server-side fix, der in der aktuellsten Version drin war? 😅 Es scheint wieder wunderbar zu funktionieren! Ich halte Sie up-to-date. Danke für den Support 🙏
Well designed app, but causes roughly 10-20% higher battery consumption, which should be considered when planning longer apps. Privacy wise I'm very happy. It's literally the ONLY app that tells you every week, that tracking is active. (-1 star for impact on battery life tho.)
It has worked as expected for a few months, showing an increased number of exposures a few days after a visit to a crowded place, and making them disappear after two weeks have elapsed. But now, it simply crashes right after the start. I reinstalled, sacrificing the data collected. It was then starting and (rightly) saying that there was nothing yet to report. A day later - again, its screen is showing, then disappearing, then the message "Corona-Warn was stopped" is displayed. That's it. One star. ( App version 1.7.1, Android 7.0 on GS170)
Works as intended however after a week or two the app makes it impossible for my phone to charge. Battery drainage is okay on a day to day basis but then I try to save some by turning Bluetooth off while sleeping and it seems to drain it faster. And then my phone just won't charge at all/ drains faster than it can charge. Once I delete the app it charges normally, which of course deletes all the logs.
I recently got a message saying that I had had a low risk encounter. I personally find this information should not even be displayed. At the end of the day if risk is low and I am not supposed to do anything it only increases panic at least for some users. Agree on the battery consumption. Specially when I was on holidays.
The app is working well for me! It updates my risk status every 4 or 5 hours. No errors and no problems! I feel more comfortable since the update to version 1.9.1 which started using v2 of the Exposure Notification System. (I've updated to 1.10.1 now.) In the older versions I had some Low Risk encounters which had me worried because I couldn't explain them and I didn't know when they happened. Now I understand that the very low risk encounters are filtered out. The English language texts are excellent! I didn't expect to see this in an app developed in Germany.
Great app! I just would like it to show where, what time and how long there was an exposure. The way it's shown now I don't know if it was yesterday or 10 days ago.
Could have added more gamification, showing the number of contacts and maybe asking you to reduce contact with other people. One update every 24 hours is not fast enough considering that the entire information chain is already delayed.
Any news on error 39508? The app is stuck since Oct 07, didn't even give me a notification about that?!? Doopro P2 Pro, Android 6. ----- Edit: Is there a place I can download the previous version? Rookie mistake, should have made a back-up copy before updating.
Because of the obsession of data privacy the app is useless.You get a warning that you were exposed to someone who later tested positive and also was kind, healthy and bored enough to report this to the app, without any info on when, where, how long! Was it someone I know or was it some guy in his car while we both were waiting for green light? Edit: Yes, exactly, because of "data protection reasons" this app is doing 1/100 of what it could.But same data protection doesn't apply to google maps.
App worked well for a few weeks, but I just noticed it hadn't been logging my contact data for the last 2 weeks. When I opened the app it immediately crashed. Had to reinstall as no other fix seemed to solve constant and immediate crashes, but contact history is now gone.
Utterly useless rubbish. You get no push notification or any kind of visible feedback as soon as you come in contact with someone infected. You need to check the app constantly to find out whether you've been exposed to an infected individual or not. I've found out that I've had a contact with 10 infected people in a span of one week only after I accidentally opened the app. The app itself didn't even show a pop-up message or anything right after the potential risk occurred. That's ridiculous.
I'd suggest using the FOSS version of this app instead. It's available on F-droid and does not contain Google "services". You get to view a graph of collected IDs versus days and to export IDs. Otherwise it's the same.
I still don't understand why this doesn't work on xiaomi phones MIUI 11, many people have such phones nowadays. Any eta on when this will be possible? Please do not ask me to re-install, I've already did that like 10 times since the app launched on several different versions. Edit 1: Phone is not rooted. Play store is installed. When I click active logging nothing happens (in the initial versions it was giving some API error) now nothing. Edit 2: google play services v20.39.15
1-If you get the QR code via SMS, you have a snapshot in your phone, not a piece of paper, so you cannot scan it and there is no option to select a snapshot from gallery!? 2-The code in the message has 20 digits, app allows you to enter a 10 digit code! So if you are diagnosed & stressed out with a million things in your mind but you still want to go in to warn others, you cannot because the app is simply not well thought out. I'm sure many would simply say "screw it" and forget about it.
Got tested and the app managed the test results quite well. Also got an offlone test anither time and found that waiting times for resulst are quite comparable in bith cases.
Hello RKI, thanks for putting so much effort in this app, which is very crucial in this unprecedented times. I have a problem though, I've been tested for corona two months ago and uploaded my results in the corona app, and didn't delete my test afterwards. Now it won't fetch my results anymore, the loading spinner never stops and I don't have the buttons for deleting my results and upload new ones anymore. I don't wanna delete app's data and thus lose the collected IDs. Can you fix that plz
I had test for corona virus, one week ago, till now i not have result. On this application i still see: the test result is not yet available. I think , normally it takes 2,3 days.
After latest update. The app is not opening on my Google Pixel 2xl android 11. Without any error message. It just closes after showing the app logo.
I deleted my test info accidentally then system does not accept same qr code. It is said that the qr code already in use. but how can i rescan it and add the test to system
Still having problems with the test results section being stuck on "Data being retrieved." Saw this is an existing issue on GitHub, so hope it will be resolved soon. Glad RKI/Germany is using digital contact tracing to help fight COVID-19.
fine so far, as of today the app crashes when i try to open it - restarts and forcestopping it proves useless. keine Fehlermeldung - die App schließt sich, ohne den heimbildschirm geladen zu haben.
I have a very bad experience with this app. I've had two test and haven't been able to see either of the results. Health officers told me the results would be available after 24 hours but all efforts to retrieve have proven futile. The app keeps giving me the feedback that test results not uploaded. Utterly frustrating!
Now for the second time the app reports an error everytime I try to open it and stops running. First time only way to solve it was a full re-install. (Had waited out, for Google updates if they would solve the issue, but didn't) All data was lost. Just 3 weeks later, it happens again. Makes the App pretty much useless. I was happy to support the cause (despite the to low adoption rate) but if it doesn't even work, why should I bother installing it a third time?
Any news on error 39508? The app is stuck since Oct 07, didn't even give me a notification about that?!? Doopro P2 Pro, Android 6. ----- Edit: Is there a place I can download the previous version? Rookie mistake, should have made a back-up copy before updating. Edit: The error is finally gone, after 15 days.
I was interested how such a solid app gets a rating of 3.0 in total. It seems that the reason is it's wide spread, so some userers of old hardware try to use it and find errors and bugs which have been patched already on newer ones. Either this or just Layer 8 problems - So all in all, download, give it the permissions it needs and it does what it's supposed to do, don't worry about it :)
It does the job, but it will be good to have like a timestamp when the exposure happened instead of just having that there are like 6-7 exposures. This will help user to have even extra precautions visiting such places, if it's office or like a grocery shop or so..
Absolutely useless due to ridiculous German rules. It doesn't tell me anything. Then I read there is an update required because the app can't count higher than 14...SAP and German high (low) tech at its best. Not worth downloading because it doesn't give any information. Pointless. And the tax payer paid millions for this rubbish. I honestly do not see how this can help fight Corona because Germany is too distracted about data protection and not concentrating on combating the virus.
If I want to activate 'Exposure logging' it just deactivate it immediately. I tried everything to fix it. I allowed every permission, I reinstalled the App, but it's still not working.
I don't really get what this app is supposed to do if nothing is followed up by consequences. If you get an alert that you're at high risk of having been exposed, you're told to call the local health department. Once you do that, they tell you that nope, there's actually no need for you to get tested so you're basically left with nothing and don't know what's going on. Kind of defeats the whole purpose, doesn't it?
My test results are not shown anymore. Instead, the app keeps loading. I cannot enter a new test result.
I had made covid-19 test and my doctor said to me that the result can be seen on this app with a simple qr code scan. When I tried to make the scan, I was scanning for 6 days and it never showed the result. I called doctors in the next week and doctor said that the result was there 6 days ago and you have tested negative. I had to cancell all my plans for 1 week and I was not been positive. Please repair this app, it really frustrates patients when the app doesn't work.
The app worked well for about a month, from end of July until the app started acting strange a few days ago and kept crashing. If you try to open it, it instantly exited itself. After this, I have no idea why and how but Google play store started crashing the same way. After trying to fix it, multiple times, everything led to not being able to access any Google apps and had to factory reset the phone.Samsung xcover4. Edit: Yes, many restarts NoErrors. G account was stuck and I had to Factory Res
I want to support this app really badly, but I tested positive and agreed to share the log on my device. Not a single person I know had their status change to red. This includes people I worked with and ate lunch within the 4 days before I showed symptoms. We sat together at the same table for 30-45 mins multiple times. The one positive that I can say is that it works well for getting the results of a test.
Would work better if I could transfer app to my SD card. I have an older phone and i have to keep playing around with my phone to have enough memory to keep the app runing
Had to delete all data because it started crashing when launched. I went out with my wife every single time, and she got 3 contacts with positive tests and I had zero, when we weren't further than 5 meters from each other for over 2 weeks. Very unreliable, not informative, and just a reason to panic.
Usually worked well until early this week. It is now giving me an error and the app is crashing right after opening. Please fix this bug! Edit: no error code is shown. When I click the app tile to open it, the app starts and closes right after (I see the main screen for a fraction of a second).
If u get the 9002 error try restarting your phone and if that doesn't help either message the development team with details or REINSTALL THE APP. It helped me to finally get it working again (tho I did lose all of my previous tracking).
Until recently, the app was working fine. Now it crashes everytime I start it. I have Android 7 on my phone. In a statement from 24 November, Robert Koch-Institut said this would be fixed soon. It still is not fixed.
it woks, but not all the time. sadly it really likes to stop updating for long periods and thus rendering it mute. when it did work it was alright. also keeps using up the majority of internal storage
I have added a test result long time ago and haven't remove it. Now the app shows progress all the time. Can't add new test result. How can I remove old test? Should I reset the app?
Fantastic app. Why the helll didn't the UK government get their act together and just ask the RKI for a copy of theirs and let both versions work together 😂 Great news that the RKI version now interacts with Irish and Italian Warn apps 👍
The app seems to work well. A useful feature would be to view the time and date at which matching keys were collected. That way, I'd be able to identify activities that led to those risky encounters and determine whether I should try avoiding those more. More importantly, I could also warn anyone who might have been with me at the time and for some reason (e.g. device's technical limitations) did not have the app installed or activated on their device.
A bug with the number 39508 keeps the app from updating my status.apart from that,in times of data security the app cannot be used properly.i dont know the location of the exposure,the date of the exposure and so on.basically,it doesnt help me in moving around more safely
Politicians want to convert this app into a centralized trojan horse via an update very soon, after everyone installed it in good faith that it's not used for observation purposes. They're going to tell you they only want access to the data to save lifes and save companies from bankruptcy, but what's going to happen is the same thing that happened with guest lists in restaurants. Right now it's still a useful and safe app, but the voices of politicians are getting louder. Pay attention.
I had to download the app after getting tested for covid-19, my doctor told me I'd get a notification and could view my results within the app once the test was evaluated. I didn't get the result and had to go back to work, so I called my doctor and they let me know that my result had come in that morning. I've kept the app installed to see if I'd still get the notification, but it's now been over a week and the app still tells me "results not yet available"..
A good idea but the app is useless if it can't tell me what exposures are the ones with higher risk. If would be more useful if the app was able to point where you were (eg. supermarket) when the risky exposure happened, so you could avoid it.
The app works fine but since yesterday it was stuck at "data being retrieved - your result is being updated". Looking forward for an update to fix this
Bare minimum implemented very good after some initial problems. Could be so much more though. Why can't I find at least all official lockdown regulations for my location in the app? If the "Datenabschnorchler" politicians get their way I'll uninstall immediately by the way.
Useless. I deleted by mistake my test before I could see the results and now the App doesn't let me to use my QR-Code again because "it is used". The number for Tech Support also doesn't work
Läuft nicht: "Covid-19 exposure notifications system is not available on your smartphone". So, jetzt erklärt mir bitte mal jemand den Fehler: Das Telefon ist "Google Play Protect" zertifiziert. Android Version 10. Patch level 2020-05-01, nicht gerootet, Google Play Services v20.47.13. Was fehlt?
If the device is running low on space the app stops logging but no info appears until the app is opened manually. Please show a notification instead! Most users won't open the app every few hours so they don't know if it isn't logging.
I want to support this app really badly, but I tested positive and agreed to share the log on my device. Not a single person I know had their status change to red. This includes people I worked with and ate lunch with in the 4 days before I showed symptoms. We sat together at the same table for 30-45 mins multiple times. The one positive that I can say is that it works well for getting the results of a test.
I was using this app since long. But since yesterday it gives error. And unfortunately yesterday my teacher's test came as positive. So now i had to uninstall thn reinstall... When i need it most it didn't work unfortunately. I just reinstalled but all data is gone 😢
Got tested and my doctor told me to download the app so I wouldn't have to call in for my results... well I did scan the code and checked a couple times if my results were updated but today the app suddenly didn't show the scanned test anymore. So I tried to rescan it, but that didn't work since you can't scan the same thing twice. So now I have to try to get hold of the doctor before the weekend since he won't call me for the results cause I told him I'll be using the app.
Since the last update the app breaks frequently, more often it doesn't even launch. (Meizu Pro 7, Android 7.0) I have tried reinstalling it three times already, but it doesn't seem to help. Unfortunate, because I otherwise like the app .
The "Data Privacy Information" contains a link to "more information about the exposure logging functionality on Android smartphones" that can neither be clicked nor copied. Hence on a mobile device, one cannot read this information with reasonable effort. After the app is installed, it notifies that to get exposure notifications, one has to "turn on location". I have read elsewhere that this is probably benign. But this should be explained clearly in the app, because it is inconsistent at first sight with the communicated privacy guarantees.
Hello, I've never got any alarm from the app although my stepdoor neighbor's wife was positive. I have big doubts that this app is effective enough.
The application was crashing frequently. When I contacted the development team, I got a satisfactory answer explaining the reason and later the error was fixed.
Since last couple of weeks I have high battery drain (which shows as Google services which manage the Bluetooth low power) and continuous glitches on the Bluetooth audio. For testing I disabled while at home the exposure logging and both problems disappeared. This is happening only since recently!
Concrete example of English improvements: "during this time, the logging feature on your device was active for 14 days". Classic incorrect literal translation and has a different meaning than intended - it should be "the logging feature of your device has been active for 14 days". Also, "relevant for infection prevention" should be "relevant to infection prevention". Also, my test result has been updating for about 2 months with no results provided.
Nach dem Umstieg von Huawei P20 pro auf einem Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra funktioniert die App leider nicht mehr. Android Version 10 mit Patch Level 2020-08-01, MIUI Version Fehlermeldung COVID-19 Exposure Notifications System is not available on your smartphone's operating system. Google Play Services Version 20.42.14
It often says the tracking is not working, although all settings are as told. I got tested for covid and after not having any feedback on the app I called the doctor who told me it was negative. The app still says no results available yet, I got the results from my doctor a week ago!
Edit to respond: The app specifically shows/tells me it is not active. My bluetooth and location as well as the switch for exposure logging are always on. The exposure logging doesn't properly work and cuts out at random times (and shows it when I open the app) and when it works again, it shows that the "exposure logging has been permanently active" which is a lie. I don't feel much safer thanks to the app, now I'm waiting to see if it at least delivers test results properly.
UPDATE: No, it's not listed as an app that should be closed when saving energy. Also, it sometimes works after reopening. It then shows me my result. So clearly, it was measuring.
Error 3 all the time and now that I have had Corona test and registered it in the app - it tells me it is already registered on another phone (which it is not) and I need to contact my health care provider for the results. Sorry but this is BS app waisting peoples time instead of helping to break any infection-chain. This is my reply to the answer below from the developer. It's not a positive result that I am trying to enter into the system. I'm trying to find out what my result is ....
I am getting error "QR CODE IS INVALID the qr code is invalid or has been registered to another smartphone alreadh. You will receive the result from test centre or laboratory regardless of validity of qr code" I get test done today and tried to see result on same day. Please let me know if this is issue wirh qr code or result is not ready ?
I generally like the app but after the last update from 9 November 2020 it became quite buggy. The error says the app is running correctly but it cannot update the risk status. "Cause: 3 Something went wrong" "faq/#39508"
I took a test a few weeks ago and uploaded it into the app. The result was updated and remained for a couple of weeks but now the app is stuck in "Data being retrieved..." and there's no way for me to remove the test from the app. What can I do?
New update: a month is passed but the app is still not working. Previous message: The app stopped working a couple of days ago. I tried reinstalling it a few times but it's still not working.
Maybe the conditions for reporting a potential infection shall be adapted to the climate, the virus spreads much faster in autumn than in summer. Instead of 2 m and 10 minutes, the condition might be edited to 5m radius and 5 minutes in winter times as an example.
It kinda does what it is supposed to do, but it would be nice to be able to say "hey, I'm waiting for a test. People who were in contact with me shouldn't go to see their grandma until I know for sure I'm negative." Basically the option to say "waiting for test results, stand-by". This would probably break a lot of infection chains, since not everyone isolates until their results come in.
Test result notification does not work reliably - which is a KNOWN issue to the developers. Why is that not marked as beta in the app? Testing staff is as unaware as users, communicating to wait for test results in the app! Consequence for me is a week without results from the app as of by now - which is a week in quarantine without need! The results were available, just the app failed! Outrageous! If you are fully aware that the notification via app doesn't work flawlessly, mark it as beta!
App is crashing every time In try to open it. Any chance to recover from this or do I have to uninstall? Edit: Had to reinstall the app and start over. Seems to be working so far, with the new update. Motorola phone, not Huawei.
Not reliable! I tested positive, called the hotline to inform to get a code. The app is unable to read my test
I downloaded the app as soon as it was possible, it worked fine all the time. Few days ago I couldn't open it anymore. Tried few times. Deinstalled it and installed again. All data gone which is a problem for me working in Berlin Mitte I need to know the exposures. Worked one day, now again. Can't use it anymore. Please advise. Using an Oppo Phone with Android. Thanks. Thanks for your reply!
Does what it's supposed to do. More information about when and where the exposure was. At least when and that way I could narrow it down to where I was in order to properly notify friends and family and take other prevention methods. Otherwise a great app and everyone needs to download it. I didn't notice any battery issues..... I guess this is due to having a newer device with upgraded bluetooth, it's almost worth people upgrading devices and this app will save lives.
App stopped updating at some point and threw illegible error messages. Had to force stop but reset to zero :(
I have the Wiko Lenny 4 and the app breaks frequently and often it doesn't even launch properly. I get to the startup screen, but that's it. I don't know what the problem could be, i restarted phone and cleaned any unnecessary files aswell, but nothing helped. I hope for an answer ASAP. Tho when it works i don't have any problems. 2 stars because 90 percent of the time I can't even use it. It started to happen since the last update (I downloaded it on the 16th of November)
There used to be a timestamp log. If nothing else, it was useful in at least having an idea of how reliable the app is. Unfortunately the feature disappeared. Can we expect to see it return?
Anonyme Punkte auf einer Karte sollten Covid Kontakte anzeigen. Wenn sie das machen stimme ich zu und werde die App reinstallieren. --- Old comment: The app is next to useless because of it's heavy concentration on data protection. The app doesn't tell me where or when a contact took place. Therefore it's not possible to avoid potentially infectious situations or high risk places. God forbid we'd have too much information. PS: I'm considering uninstalling this because of lack of functions.
Please change this App that it can run in so called External Storage (SD card). Samsung J5 has only 8 Gb Internal Storage and when 7 Gb + is used the mobile dies slowly. Google is constantly expanding their Apps and eating Storage. I will have to remove the CWA if I want to continue using my Mobile. I do not intend to use my mobile exclusively for the CWA.
Generally useful app, but my exposure logging seems to deactivate itself after some days and I have reactivate it manually by turning it on, off and again on. If I wont do that, the app is pretty much useless. Hope there will be a fix.
Replacing my previous review. App is solid, stable. I like the way it uses phone language, despite being a German app. Completely unobtrusive and seems to have no impact on battery life. Got one warning of minor contact, low risk so far. I wish more people were using it.
I had registered a test in the app. We were told the result will be available in the app as soon as the result is known. And this would be the fastest I can learn. It has been 6 days and still it shows 'my test result is not available'. After calling out we learnt that my test was negative and was known since about 2 days. Because of this all family was at home in quarantine the whole week. Kids couldn't go to school at all. So who would take any responsibility for all those inconveniences?
Few days ago the error "Expose check failed" appeared. Reset of the app helped, but lasted only one day. Error is back...
Results do not display, cannot clear and re-upload the same qr code (would just take a cookie), risk level could update more than once a day. Pumps battery like crazy.
For new test the app shows date of the old previously test taken 30 days ago! Noone thought someone could need more than 1 test in a month...brilliant minds!!! At the same time impossible to download test on the web...I will not pay the invoice for this test as I am not able to go out withouth it...shame on you. Useless App causing only more issues and huge time loss ...useless...and uninstall!
You need to give the user the possibility to receive more details on the risk exposure and on the status. For instance in the case of low or high risk, what was the average distance from infected person? What was the duration of contact? What is the risk score? I get it that you want to make it clear and simple for people to use and understand but you also need to give us the opportunity to be informed. High risk and low risk are rather meaningless without a proper measure
Works as advertised. Android devices also have the option to extract contact data at system level in form of a .jason file to trace back exactly when the exposure occured
Doesn't update daily. Works a few days, then stops updating. Have uninstalled it and downloaded it three times now, but never works consecutively. Tired of it. I feel it's only for people with newest tech and fast net. Edit: gave it all permissions, yet still doesn't update.
A nice idea that poorly implemented. Crashes every time that I open it. Drains battery very fast. And my Bluetooth stop working ...
Overall fair and balanced with most content unlocked in early-game. Not much interaction within the player base except for the occasional PvP encounter - everyone is pretty much just grinding away on their own. No in-game purchases :)
I was tested 2020-10-11 and the app still doesn't show the result... It says the test result is not available yet, but I got the result already one day after the test from my doctor... How should the app help, if it doesn't work??? I hope it's gonna be improved soon.
I hope this app works better than it seems to.. Got my test results 4 days ago and still no update in the app.. Update: over a month later and still no results to display.. now the results section loads ad infinitum. No response from the devs either. Considering that police are now actively using information gathered from resources meant to combat Corona, I think I'll be deinstalling this app.
The doctor told me to put my qr code in this app and I waited 3 days. No news... finally I figured out that SynLab did my test. I used mein labor Ergebnisse app and it worked. It is negative and I was worried for 3 days and had to stay at home in quarantine. I certainly do not trust this app. I have been using it for more than a month and never had even one encounter. Please make sure these functions work! I am very displeased!
Works really well in Germany. Notified me of an exposure and later got my result via the app very fast! The only problem is that after a positive test, you can't remove the "thanks for contribution" message.
Seems to work, nice and clear. Was difficult to install because stupid Google Play assumed my phone is in US, so I had to struggle with Google account settings for an hour to change country to DE. After that, it started to show the app, and I could finally install it.
Functions including tracking or notification as well as integration of test result does not work at all. Either do it by enforcing all to install the app by enforcing entry to shops, institutions etc with the app Barcode authorisation, and contact tracing like Asian countries did, integrating the test results propery OR don't do it given the data protection regulation and people privacy. Government is not able to decide which option to choose and only wasting money on such namesake project.
Terrible app! After my test 24 hour later I scan the QR code and the results was not showing. 3 days later the app showing error that, the scan code is invalid. I call you hotline number and they give answer that I have to call Gesundheit Amt and I will get answer from there. I miss my University classes. I don't understand why do they have hotline if answer is not related from app. Application has not so strong UX/UI frames , just basic information and chance for strong exposure.
I got a notification that I was in contact with a person tested positive for Covid-19. I went to the doctor and took the test which came out negative. The problem is that the app exchanged ids with other patients, so I got many matches and a high risk again! It would be nice to be able to see how many of the encounters are high-risk and how any are low-risk instead of seeing just a number. Akdo my test result didn't update in app. Otherwise works fine.
It's a disappointment. Sometimes the app would work, most of the time it wouldn't (Samsung phone). After getting tested, the app failed to read and interpret the QR code provided on the receipt sheet. What do I even have this app for?
The app isn't work. It never show not one dangerous contact. Even if you're in the middle of Corona test center. I also checked with infected friends, not working.
Accurate feedback goes a long way. I used to have some instant crashing issues with this app on a Samsung Xcover4 in August. I decided to use the app again and have had no issues since.
You *MUST* have a German Play Store account to dl this app. For this you need a separate email/Google account, with an address in Germany, not necessarily yours. You do *NOT* need a German payment method though Play asks for one (you can skip that step.) When you open Play, touch the user icon, then 'Add another account,' and 'Create Account,' enter yr info, then 'Choose your Gmail address.' Sounds complicated, but isn't. You must have BT on. The EFF confirms it has no privacy concerns.
I can never know whether the app is working as intended since it's never sure whether I've been low risk exposed or not. On some days when it does report low risk reports, I open the app again ten minutes later and it might be either more or less, or no exposures at all anymore. The number appears almost random and I can't check any details as to why it suddenly says there's none anymore. It doesn't seem like it's being very accurate or that it could reliably warn me of a serious threat.
Why not make it available on all regions in the App Store? This app is avaliable on all regions in Android, but on the iOS app store it is only avaliable in DE. As a person who has the US app store living in DE, I can't even download it. PLEASE FIX THAT! IT ONLY WORKS IN DE ANYWAY BECAUSE LOW FREQUENCY BLUETOOTH SO APP REGIONS DOESNT MATTER. (And yes, I had to download this app on an Android device just to write this review)
The app is okay. The only suggestions I have are: 1. to make it possible to check in to venues by using the app and 2. to show the symptoms of covid19 (clearly explained) in the app. That's something that the NHS app did better.
my experience summed up in one word:frustrating! i work for a company in the public sector, offering services having to do with children. outrafged by the govornment's lack of common sense, ignorance of the risks at hand, stating people in my line of work can not be protected anyway, and only minimum pay. i was sent into quarantine by the health department, since we had a confirmed case at my workplace. the health department organized a mass testing. no tan was issued, so this app is useless!
So many bugs... I need to keep reinstalling it, because the app hangs up on processes like retrieving data and all you see is the buffering... Just one of many annoying bugs -.- Answer to feedback: 1. Retrieving of test data 2. After re-installing the app I now know, that I am positiv -> now an annoying overlay screen did popup, which cannot be closed... I cannot use the app anymore, because all i see is "thank you" -> also no one I know was notified...
Seemless experience up until now. Got one low risk encounter, got quarantined by the health department and school, works and reports as intended, no problems at all.
i am updating my review. previously this happ had a problem of not updating its logs, but thankfully this has been resolved. i can't remember what exactly fixed it, but a device restart definitely made things better. thank you to the people who made this app
I logged my second Covid-Test, and then I decided to enter my first one to see how it worked (because I did not use the app the first time) so when I tried to take a look again to the second Covid-Test to see my results... Now it is impossible because it mentions that "the code has already been used" and I cannot log in. I called to service and they mentioned that now I need to wait only doctor's results... So bad. I need urgently the result, and not until the doctor's availability
Would be nice if corona statistics would be visible within the app. For example graphs about cases in Germany, states, etc.
Lots of people complain about not getting a notification. I answer what would be the urgency. You meet someone and after few days he tests positive. Only then it count as a risk for you, after days likely. I am asking all our you would it make sense to get a notification or to update the data 1000 times per day? I would say no.
Would be great if it could show the regional corona restrictions based on your location. I don't read much local news or listen to radio and miss these things quite easily. (So I just wear my mask all the time which of course is no biggie) Implementing the simple "red", "yellow", "green" with explained restrictions based on your location would have real value for this app! No more nonsense facebook-group/WhatsApp-group misinformation. Just get all info from this official app. Would be wonderful
App updates every day sometimes multiple times a day, no issues with not working or any errors, thank you! I hv a Samsung phone.
Not working, get error message 9002, can provide photo if necessary. Need it as I'm in the risk group. Update : rki contacted me personally and we got the app working eventually. Thanks for the personal response, appreciated.
not sure how to rate the app because I just downloaded it and I'm unable to activate the tracking feature. it tells me that I need to update Google play services to do that but then I don't see an update in Google play? Edit: Danke. Beim ersten Starten der App ist jetzt "CAUSE 9002" aufgetaucht, aber alles scheint zu funktionieren und es kamen keine weiteren Fehlermeldungen.
Hello. I bought Xiaomi from China. And when I click actvate exposure logging, it stopped and I could not move on. Would you please kindly notice how to fix it? Thanks.
This app is no good. Me and my children were tested negative and when I tried to send my results to Gesundheitsamtes so that they realise me and my children from quarantine I was not able to reach the results anymore. There is no storage within app where results could be seen later on. No use.
Use it!!! But it doesn't accept the eurofins test results. I am going crazy, because I am dark red, but tested negative so many times. Just the app doesn't get the result.
Love the concept, however why is my test result, which I had from the doctor still not in the app? It's one week ago I got my negative result! The app is only as good as the data it uses!
Used to work fine but currently push notifications are not working and I cannot see the result of my last test. It keeps on saying Displaying test result but it remains stuck on that.
The app is crashing constantly and won't open since the last update. Im using Android 7 on a Motorola C
I wish I could rate the app with minus 1 star, because of the incompetence of the german health care system. I have been using this app for months and asked a close person of me to use it too. The other person received a high risk warning in the app, and we spent at least 3 hours talking to different services who all insisted that she can't be tested without symptoms, which makes the app completely useless. We will both delete the app and keep living as usual until Germany fixes its health care.
Why this app updates every 24 hour. If you have exposure and the result from tracing is there, I should be notified as soon as possible, not possibly 24 hour later My wife has 4 low risk encounter (ios) and I have none, but we normally have similar routine and location. Seems android app is not working properly
I think the contact journal is a good idea. However, it would be more useful, if it offer the option to record for a place a certain time range and link that specific record to people Good UI, I find the privacy concept convincing, however there should be an option to disclose volontarily to the contacts the specific time in case you are tested positively.
Doesn't work on xiaomi phones MIUI 11, many people have such phones nowadays. Any eta on when this will be possible? I have already reinstalled the app several times. Edit 1: Phone is not rooted. Play store is installed. When I click active logging nothing happens (in the initial versions it was giving some API error) now nothing. Edit 2: google play services v20.39.15. Edit 3: when I click active logging nothing happens, no error messages or anything.
It would be better to at least get information about the time of exposure, it's not like we're asking for the person's name (if it's a matter of data privacy) but just the time of exposure so we can also inform our families and friends especially our grandparents who don't use smartphones who we might have met after we had an exposure to a COVID-19 positive person. It defeats the purpose of contact tracing and mitigating the spread when we can't even know ourselves when we were exposed.
At last, a global tool for covid monitoring, warnings, and potential authorisations for access control to public places. I only hope our government will promote it with loud and keen support. I predict this app will enable world wide travel to recommence securely.
I scanned my QR code and the test results are still not available in the app 1 week later. They have been communicated to me 2 days after the test by phone. I tried re-installing the app, but the QR code is now invalid. I honestly don't know what the app does. Edit: German health services rely on the app to quickly inform sick patients. But the App doesn't provide those information. Have the functionalities and responsibilities been clearly established with the health services? Constructive crit
Test result still not available within the app despite uploading test and receiving text message results days ago. Kind of defeats the whole purpose of the app if that function doesn't actually work.
The idea is a good one. There are problems because if it doesn't tell me the when, I may have no idea where I was. Perhaps this is a security thing but a warning when say, I was in a shop wearing a mask means much less than when I spent longer with a mask off. App should also include a standardised location registration as I understand the authorities have problems with the fragmented attendance registers. It could also log symptoms.
I was forced to uninstall this app, in order to put my QR-Code from my test in it. I had already one test this summer and the app was still trying to retrieve data from that test (this is strange, since I received that result 24 hours after the test on my phone). So there was no possibility to get the data of my newest test on my phone. So I had to uninstall and reinstall it. THIS IS SUPER STUPID, ALL MY "COLLECTED" CONTACTS ARE DELETED NOW. Basically the app is useless to warn others....
It has worked as expected for a few months, showing an increased number of exposures a few days after a visit to a crowded place, and making them disappear after two weeks have elapsed. But now, it simply crashes right after the start. I reinstalled, sacrificing the data collected. It was then starting and (rightly) saying that there was nothing yet to report. A day later - again, its screen is showing, then disappearing, then the message "Corona-Warn was stopped" is displayed. That's it. One star. ( App version 1.7.1, Android 7.0 on GS170) Update on 4-Jan-2021: the app is working again, thanks. Cranking up the stars from 1 to 5.
Leider lässt sich die App nicht installieren wenn USA als Google Play Store Land eingestellt ist. Das ist besonders ärgerlich weil man diese Einstellung nur eimal im Jahr ändern kann. Ich kann keinen Grund für diese Einschränkung sehen. Sie verhindert auch dass ausländische Touristen die APP installieren.
It worked until I upgraded it 2 days ago. Now it won't start at all. It says "Corona-Warn has stopped. Open app again, Close app, Send feedback"
There is no information and obvious way to move your logged data from Android to iOS. Also different phones capture different risk levels, even though they are constantly together. It's not gai ING my trust with that. Other than that, living in a busy area, I constantly have low risk encounters, once red. Since I was tested negative I would have appreciated, when exactly that encounter had happened to evaluate the risk for myself. All in all better than nothing, but far from great.
Is it working at all? [Testing] I have been test (at TXL) coming home from a trip in risk area, I've enter in the app the code..4weeks later still says waiting for results. [Tracing] i have been together with (eventually) a positive case for more than one hour at a close distance..the app never shown any warnings in the following days/week. [Tracing] at home since days with no contact with anyone, and everyday shows some new encounter ..how is that possible? How should this app help?
I can't acess my test result because after using a cashe clear application the app reset. Reuploading the QR code doesn't work because the "test has already been registered on another device" ..... My device. Fix this please
The app seems fine so far (no real interactions with it yet), but it would be nice if it could also serve (or at least link to) reliable local infection numbers and trends. Currently this information must be sought separately, though it also informs lifestyle decisions.
Clean and simple app. The source code is available on GitHub. The app only exchanges random strings for proximal detection, no other data (like location or user IDs) is ever used! The exposure logging feature requires Bluetooth 4.0 and recent Google Play services. These are very reasonable requirements.
Generally I like the app, it is very simple to use. However I entered my QR code a few weeks ago and it showed the result back then for a week, but now whenever I open it, it keeps spinning on the results but and says "Data being retrieved". So if I ever want to log another test, there is no way for me to remove this test to add a new one without resetting the app and losing all my exposure logs?
My kids have no phone and I cannot check their results with the app on my phone. Test result dissapears after 15 days. I expected much more from Koch...
App is crashing every time In try to open it. Any chance to recover from this or do I have to uninstall?
I definitely feel everyone should use the app and it was really useful to get the result.of my test. But the field where I could add a new test shows "data being retrieved" for over a week now and it means I am not able to add anything. Not to mention it kinda gives an impression that the app is not reliable.
I love the idea of this app. I'm a British national living in Berlin. I contracted covid-19 2 weeks ago and couldn't enter my results because I have a UK phone number and couldn't call to request a TAN. So anyone I was in contact with wouldn't have known. It's great otherwise. But it needs to open up to non-Germans living or visiting here.
Second time the database has corrupted and lost all my contacts. When the app opens, it just crashed and closes (both crashes reported using the Google crash reporter). Defeats the point of you do not know it isn't working.
It seems to work, but I have yet to get a single notification. I just checked in after 2 weeks and it tells me that I was exposed to covid 8 days ago. Where was the push notification?? Edit, in response the RKIs response: I apparently have "increased risk" because I have been exposed. And I did not get a push notification. I stumbled upon it while randomly checking in.
Old Test result that was available before is now stuck at "Data being retrieved" forever, so a new test can not be added without resetting the app... Thus a potential risk would not be detected if you don't have contact with the person again after the reset... This review is for App Version 1.6.0 To Dev-Feedback: a button to delete tests does not exist in the overview and I can't enter the test view because it's blocked due to infinite loading of the old result.
Sadly I am experiencing an error which makes the app unuseable for me: "CAUSE: 3 something went wrong" It says that the app is working fine, however the app cannot update the risk status. A number (maybe error number) is shown: (39508). I can click on details, which will show me some further information or bug reporting, but wont help me. Please contact if you need more info, I would like to help solving this problem to be able use the app properly. Thx! Edit: Thx for the quick reply!:)
It seems to work, but please add the date and time when an exposure happened. A warning without date of exposure is not helpful.
I cannot activate exposure logging even though bluetooth is activated and I click on everything that was required. The button for exposure logging isn't working though
Topic is error 39508. I complained about the error and the developer offered a bugfix in the near future, which they did with the current version 1.5.Dear Dev-Team, thanks for the update! It's stated that one should "keep the app closed" for 24 hours after updating to prevent causing this error. Update: The error still occurs after 24h app untouched. And then even after 48h app untouched. Model is a Meizu Pro5, Chinese ROM with Android 7 and Flyme Not the most popular model, I know...
Is there a way to report bugs and improvements without needing to be a github code contributor? It seems like you need to submit a pull request just to report a bug. Bug: journal days are in German even if the rest of the app is in English (trivial but a bug trotzdem). Suggestion: the chance to rate the risk of encounters with people/places using for example traffic light colour system.
I checked the test results using the app and it shows not ready, but if I checked it via the lab web site I got the results.
easy to use and easy to understand. Not so easy to see how to force update of the app to revised versions though.
I believe a lot of people ONLY installed this app so that they can see the test result, and this app fails to show it. I had my test at Nov 6th, and I haven't got any result from this app till today. I don't wanna be harsh, but if this app can not show the test result accurately, then I think this app is completely useless for most people. Ergo this bug should have high priority to be fixed.